Today is my birthday!
Going to lunch with my mother, I ask that I make a cake, pastries, or some other sweet that I'm greedy, but my request was to prepare a dish that I loved as a baby. ... An omelet!! ! :-D I know it's weird, but this is not a normal omelette ... ... is my favorite, the pan loin!
I thought everyone knew this recipe, I looked at several blogs looking for, do not copy someone, but I have not found anything like it, so I post!
omelet sandwich loaf
3 eggs 2 or 3 slices of sandwich loaf
Milk Salt Sugar
Proceed as for a normal omelette. Grease a pan, and when the egg is well beaten with a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar and a sip of milk, one at a time dip the slices of bread lying in the pan. Add the slices with the remaining egg (must not overhang!). Brown the slices and write a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. Attention to the flame: the white bread is golden brown but not burn! From the photo you see the color you have to take the loaf pan to be perfect
mmm good ..... that ....... happy birthday ......
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